I have received many questions and emails concerning the Initiative 434; the so called “pro-life” initiative.  I expressed on a recent Sunday that my understanding of Scripture, and my own preaching and study have led me to oppose both 434 and 439.  I am convicted that neither of these is consistent with God’s value of life and truly protecting the unborn.  

Voting for 434 would make me an accomplice in a compromise that allows murder to be part of our state constitution.  Isa 10:1-2 says “Woe..” to anyone who is part of writing or applying iniquitous laws or statutes.  434, would constitutionally codify abortion as a medical procedure which the state regulates, rather than the taking of a life; murder, which the state prosecutes.  434 also creates an inconsistency in our constitution that places a higher value on some lives (preborn in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters) over others (1st trimester preborn).  This violates God’s just character and Scripture; “You shall not distort justice; you shall not be partial, and you shall not take a bribe, for a bribe blinds the eyes of the wise and perverts the words of the righteous. (Deuteronomy 16:19)  

In reality it makes a legal precedent that allows the 1st trimester preborn to be denied personhood.  The personhood of the preborn has been a central and foundational point of the prolife position since the beginning of our movement.  Scripture says in Isaiah 5:23 (you shall not) deprive the innocent of his right! 

Proverbs 17:15 Acquitting the guilty and condemning the innocent--the Lord detest them both. 

Biblically, anything less than ending abortion is a compromise and promotes the continuation of this evil in our country.  God’s warns us, Because the sentence against an evil deed is not executed quickly, therefore the hearts of the sons of men among them are given fully to do evil. (Ecclesiastes 8:11)  We have seen the reality of this truth for the last 5 decades with the spread of abortion.  

Has not the experience of two centuries shown that gradualism in theory is perpetuity in practice?  William Lloyd Garrison (Abolitionist) 

I am voting NO TO BOTH.