In the first weekend of the New Year, 29 people encountered freedom, revelation, and transformation. Following are some excerpts of what God did in some of the people's lives. READ and REJOICE that what God has done, He can do in your life too!

Growing up I spent alot of time alone in my room. I had little to no friends at school....I have always felt alone, unwanted,  never good enough for my famly or for my kids. I know I will always make mistakes but NOW I know I am good enough, I am loved, I am wanted. So many things touched me this weekend. I feel like I have been living in a storm my whole life BUT NOW I feel this is the calm after the storm!

I received a lot of relationship with God was the same as my relationship with my dad, greater revelation that I am forgiven for divorce, all my past, present, and future sins and I need to quit letting the enemy of my soul use it against me to still my kingdom work!

I realized I am good enough and don't have to take a back seat to anything, for God made me and equip me for what I am to be-to fulfill His plan for me.

I have been set free from all my past sins & hurt. Bad marriage, loss of loved ones, single parent. God has atoned me of my sins, washed me clean.

Past 14 years I have lived in the past guilt of drugs and drinking. I learn I dont have to live in the guilt of my past any more!  I am good enough and worthy!

I went to the 2023 encounter but coming to 2025 encounter is a reminder that I live in the world and I need to live in HIS Word!

I no longer have self-harming and I feel less depressed then I have ever been.   It feels soooo good!

This weekend I learned that I was speaking untrue words over myself that I was not good enough, I ws a failure, I was not worthy, I learned that I didn't need to seek validation from friends, family members or even my husband.  The only validation I need is from God, my Father. Because I am enough, I am worthy, I am a new person. My past is forgiven and everything is new !

It was using the authority of Jesus that releived me of a lot of things. I went from really on edge and tired to wide awake and relaxed. I went from feeling drpressed to no worries at all. After throwing that paper in the fire pit, it all changed! I could feel everything being lifted; after that all my thoughts about my epilepsy and depression were gone. 

I've been searching for years to be reunited with the Holy Spirit. This weekend I realized that He's standing right next to me. The search is over! and to steal what Pastor John said, "it's like we're dancing. it's been this really slow courtship" where I am getting closer and closer to Him. 

Psalm 9:1 I will give thanks to you, Lord, with all my heart; I will tell of all your wondorous deeds